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Go Back The Dummest Play Ever

The Dummest Play Ever

Wow!  This has to be the worst title ever for a play, right?  Unless...  maybe not?

In a series of silly scenes that will have us laughing at the “dumbness” in everything, the real question in the end is about what matters most.  And while we all can do dumb, goofy things at times (maybe a lot of the time!), we all offer something of value as well.  Despite its name, this play smartly poses pertinent questions like:  Is Artificial Intelligence smart or dumb?  Is a tri-fork an amazing brainstorm or just another silly idea?  And why are really good answers on a quiz show somehow wrong?  Perhaps Mabel’s Meditative Yoga Class is what we need to just let it all go and not worry whether any of this is smart or dumb or silly or weird, because it’s definitely all of the above!