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Individual Donor Levels
Dream Star

18 complimentary tickets program recognition, advance ticket sale opportunities. Star Wall tribute, invitation to four opening night receptions, 2 pre show dinners for group of 4-8 at the theatre, one free rental of theatre for party, meeting or event with backstage tour for entire group. Sponsor name on show program covers, full page ad in all programs for a year, name on advertising including all printed tickets for the year, and two VIP tickets to GCT Gala.

Producer Star

14 complimentary tickets, program recognition, advance ticket sale opportunities, Star Wall tribute, invitation to two opening night receptions, pre show dinner for group of 4-8 at the theatre with backstage tour for entire group. Sponsor name on all show program covers and full page ad in all programs for a year.

Broadway Star

12 complimentary tickets, program recognition, advance ticket sale opportunities, Star Wall tribute, and invitation to one opening night reception.

Shining Star

8 complimentary tickets, program recognition and advance ticket sale opportunities.

Soaring Star

4 complimentary tickets, program recognition, and advance ticket sale opportunities.

Ensemble Star

Recognition in program and advance ticket sale opportunities.

Junior Star

Recognition in program.
